Use of service animals
1.01 Cliplight Manufacturing Co. welcomes people with disabilities who are accompanied by a service animal on the parts of our premises that are open to the public. If a service animal is excluded by law from Cliplight Manufacturing Co. premises, we will ensure that alternative means are available to enable the person with a disability to access our goods and services.
2.01 The purpose of this Statement of Policy and Procedure is to ensure persons with disabilities who are accompanied by a service animal are treated accordingly.
3.01 This policy applies to all employees and all facilities of Cliplight Manufacturing Co. in Ontario.
4.01 It is the responsibility of the managers, immediate supervisors and/or department heads to ensure that all employees follow the guidelines set out in this policy.
4.02 Each manager, immediate supervisor and/or department head is responsible to ensure all employees are trained under the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service and this policy, practices and procedure.
5.01 “Service animal” is an animal that a person with a disability uses for support. Such use is either readily apparent or is supported by a letter from a physician or nurse practitioner.
It may be readily apparent that an animal is a service animal when its appearance or behaviour (e.g., wearing a harness or saddle bags) identifies it as a service animal or the owner has a certificate or identification card from a service animal training school. It may also be apparent if a person is using the animal to assist him or her, e.g., opening doors or retrieving items.
Service animals offer independence and security to many people with various disabilities. Some laws generally prohibit animals in certain areas, such as food preparation areas. However, service animals are permitted in most public situations.
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005
Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, Ontario Regulation 429/07
Health Protection and Promotion Act, Ontario Regulation 562, sections 59 & 60
Food Safety and Quality Act, 2001, Ontario Regulation 31/05, section 44
7.01 Unless otherwise excluded by law, the customer service standard requires that a person with a disability is permitted to be accompanied by his or her guide dog or other service animal in the areas that are open to the public or third parties. As such, Cliplight Manufacturing Co. employees should allow persons with disabilities to be accompanied by their guide dog or service animal unless the animal is excluded by law.
7.02 In the event that a law excludes a service animal, the reason why the animal is excluded should be explained to the individual and other reasonable arrangements to provide goods and services should be explored with the assistance of the person with the disability.
7.03 Service animals are non-participants and therefore are granted free admission to the goods and/or services being accessed by the person with a disability they are accompanying.