Communicating with people with disabilities
1.01 We are committed to communicating with people with disabilities in ways that take into account their disability and in keeping with the principles of dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity.
1.02 This policy provides guidance in considering how to improve communication with people with a disability through general communications, involvement of people with a disability in consultation, or in meetings, during a transaction and producing publications in accessible formats.
1.03 This policy applies to all Cliplight Manufacturing Co. communications with the public, including in relation to consultation, and the development of pamphlets, flyers, letters, memos, emails, websites, brochures, invoices, papers and reports, among others.
1.04 All oral and written communication should seek to be inclusive of and positive toward people with a disabilities.
2.01 The purpose of this Statement of Policy and Procedure is to ensure that persons with disabilities have communication access that is effective as that provided to persons without disabilities. To be equally effective, an aid, benefit or service need not produce the identical result or level of achievement for disabled and non-disabled persons; it must afford the person to whom it is provided equal opportunity to achieve equal results, gain equal benefit and reach the same level of achievement.
3.01 This policy applies to all employees and the facility of Cliplight Manufacturing Co. in Ontario.
4.01 It is the responsibility of managers, immediate supervisors and/or department heads to ensure that all employees follow the guidelines set out in this policy.
4.02 Each manager, immediate supervisor and/or department head is responsible to ensure all employees are trained under Accessibility Standards for Customer Service and this policy, practices and procedure.
Alternate formats and communications examples: Large print, email, relay services, verbal, telephone, website.
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005
Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, Ontario Regulation 429/07
7.01 Terminology: the terminology we use can influence the way we see people and may unintentionally create a negative perception. The words we use can be very powerful. However unintentional, many words used to describe the nature of a disability can be demeaning and disrespectful. Please refer to the terminology chart to assist you in making your communication with or without people with disabilities more successful.
7.02 The word “disability” is more appropriate than “handicap” or “handicapped.”
7.03 Remember to put people first. It is preferable to say “person with a disability” instead of “disabled person.”
7.04 Considering an individual’s disability in communication: A key aspect of communication is taking into consideration the specific needs of an individual. Employees may need to utilize a variety of different techniques to best interact with a person with a disability in order to effectively provide goods and services to that individual.
7.05 To assist people with disabilities access our services, employees should utilize the following general guidelines:
a) Treat people with disabilities with the same respect and consideration you offer everyone else.
b) If you’re not sure what to do, ask the individual, “May I help you?”
c) Ask before you offer to help; don’t just jump in. People often have their own way of doing things. Individuals with disabilities know if they need help and how you can provide it.
d) If you don’t know someone or if you are unfamiliar with the disability, it’s better to wait until the individual describes his or her situation to you, rather than to make your own assumptions. Many types of disabilities have similar characteristics and your assumptions may be wrong. You do not ask about the disability but you do ask for the best method to communicate.
e) Some disabilities are not visible. Take the time to get to know the individual’s needs.
f) Speak normally, clearly and directly. Speak directly to a person with a disability, not to their interpreter or someone who is with them.
g) Be patient; give the individual time to explain him or herself.
7.06 Cliplight Manufacturing Co.’s staff will use a relay system for people who are Deaf, deafened or hard of hearing.
7.07 We will give careful consideration to whether consultations, meetings and transaction methods are inclusive of people with disabilities.
7.08 When organizing meetings, we will use facilities that cater to people with a disability; e.g., ramps, handrails and lifts for people with mobility disabilities. We conduct most of our meetings on the client’s site, tradeshows, and choose accessible restaurants or coffee shops when necessary. Upon request, accessible facilities are available to conduct meetings.
7.09 When organizing consultation meetings, consider the environment available for any person with a disability attending the meeting; e.g., physical access to the building and meeting room, access to toilets, lighting in the room, external noise.
7.10 Publications: When preparing material intended to be distributed to the public, we will consider the format of the material and its accessibility to the target audience. In particular, we will consider whether alternative formats are required in order to facilitate access by a person with a disability.
7.11 Excessive cost can be avoided by carefully targeting the audience. Options for making accessible formats available may include:
a) Distributing standard formats, and developing and providing alternative formats only upon request.
b) Providing a pamphlet or booklet in an accessible format, and supplementary documents upon request.
c) Advertising the availability of certain alternative formats. Where only standard formats are distributed, notification should be given to advertising the availability of alternative formats upon request. Reception and publications staff should be made aware of the availability of alternative formats, and particular formats Cliplight Manufacturing Co. is willing to provide upon request.
7.12 One or more of the following formats may be appropriate for development to improve accessibility:
a) Internet: The Internet is a highly suitable medium for many people with hearing, vision, mobility and multiple disabilities. To make the publication most compatible to software that assists people with a disability, it will be posted on the internet.
b) Large and illustrated print: Large print is mainly targeted to persons with low vision. It refers to any printed matter that uses a font that is 14 point or larger. Illustrated print is designed to provide a quick visual outline of a message. It is often preferred by people with an intellectual disability, people with some visual disabilities, and can also assist people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
c) Easy English: This format is useful if specifically providing information to people with intellectual disabilities or limited reading skills. The information is summarized and expressed in short sentences that each convey a single idea or concept.
d) Provide information about events and services in a variety of media (for example, publicize telephone and fax numbers, provide print information).
e) Provide sufficient notice of events to ensure there is time to arrange accommodation requirements.
7.13 Provide targeted information for people with disabilities, their families, support persons and service providers for no additional charge.
7.14 Ensure all facilities have clear signs that include internationally recognized symbols and indicators for persons with disabilities.